Spyware/Adware Resources by Eric Goldman

Marquette University Law School
Last updated 9/2/2005

1-800 Contacts v. WhenU

District court opinion

WhenU appeal brief

Google amicus brief on appeal

EFF amicus brief on appeal

1800 Contacts response brief on appeal

Second Circuit opinion

U-Haul v. WhenU

District court opinion

Wells Fargo v. WhenU

District court opinion

WhenU v. Utah

FindWhat amicus brief (the district court bounced this brief and the NAI amicus brief, saying it did not want to consider amicus briefs during the fact-finding stage)

Preliminary Injunction (June 22, 2004)

American Blinds / Google

Google complaint

American Blinds complaint

Denial of Motion to Dismiss

Geico / Google

Public Citizen amicus brief

Denial of Motion to Dismiss (August 25, 2004)

Partial transcript of bench trial (where judge grants Google’s motion for summary judgment) (Dec. 15, 2004)

Written opinion of December ruling (August 2005)

Playboy v. Netscape

Ninth Circuit opinion

Le Meridian Hotels v. Google

English translation of opinion

Sotelo v. DirectRevenue


Motion to Dismiss

Ruling on Motion to Dismiss

State Statutes

Utah Spyware Control Act

California Anti-Spyware Law (SB 1436, codified at Cal. B&P Code §22947)

Alaska anti-adware law

Other Materials

Overview of spyware/adware law (August 5, 2004)

Deregulating Relevancy in Internet Trademark Law (54 Emory L.J. 507 (2005))

Ben Edelman’s site [Ben and I definitely don’t see eye-to-eye on some topics, but he does an excellent job keeping track of new developments]

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